React Native Maps with Google Directions Api

Ali Oğuzhan Yıldız
2 min readMay 20, 2017

You can also read this here on my personal web site:

We have to use an external service to draw real world directions between two (or more) locations on the Map. For React Native, i ended up using both react native maps and Google Directions Api.

React Native Maps

Thanks to folks at airbnb, we have react-native-maps: A complete set of React components for Maps. You can check features and details from Github repo:

Google Directions Api Service

Google provides Directions API that calculates directions between locations. Since It is an api-based service, there is no SDK for any platform (not officially at least)

Before Start Coding

The JSON response returned from Directions Api contains a key named overview_polyline which is an encoded polyline looks like this:


This is the data we are going to use to create our route on the map. But first we need to decode it. There is a small library from MapBox team named Polyline:

We can use this library to encode / decode polylines.

Example App

Create a new react native app:

$ react-native init RnDirectionsApp

Inside RnDirectionsApp folder, install react-native-mapsand polyline :

$ npm install react-native-maps @mapbox/polyline --save
$ react-native link

You can find more detailed installation guide here at Github Repo

Now we have an empty but ready react-native app. Let’s first see our getDirections method:

Simply, this method:

  • Fetches directions data from Google (line 4)
  • Decodes encoded polyline data ( line 6 )
  • Converts decoded polyline data into a list of objects (line 7)
  • Updates state with new coords data

Now we can draw our route on the map. To do this, We can use MapView.Polyline from react-native-maps. In our render method:

You can find more info on detailed usage of Mapview.Polyline here.

And this is full version of index.ios.js :

Hope this helps. Please leave a comment for any kind of feedback

UPDATE: Bram Van Damme created a component based on this post. Looks promising. You can check it from here:

